Large Scale Criminal Incidents
Mass violence is commonly characterized by a perpetrator using a weapon or force to intentionally end the lives of multiple people. While this is the case, criminal negligence involving air, fire, food, home, products and water can be just as harmful, taking lives and causing serious mental and physical trauma to all involved.

What is criminal negligence?
Most crimes involve intentional actions. Criminal negligence occurs when the carelessness of an individual, group or organization results in an injury to a person or property. Victims of these types of crimes are often eligible for a variety of resources provided by the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC).
Has a crime been committed?
Environmental or biological crimes involving criminal negligence can include the following:
It is important to know that the perpetrator must be charged of a crime in order for victims to be eligible for resources from the OVC.
However, the perpetrator does not need to be convicted of the crime for the victims to be eligible for resources. Victims are eligible for resources even if the charged perpetrator has died or is missing.

If you have been victimized by a biological or environmental crime, you may be eligible for crime victims resources. Click here for more information.

There is a section of this website dedicated to self-help resources for victims of mass violence. These resources include tools to help you cope with the emotions you are experiencing. Click here to visit this section.

It is not possible to predict when environmental or biological crimes will be committed, nor what their impact will be. This is why it is important to be prepared and have a plan in place so that your community is able to effectively address unforeseen challenges. To find more information on preparedness, click here.

The NMVVRC surveyed Flint residents in the aftermath of the Flint Water Crisis. The survey, conducted in 2019 - 2020, focused on residents’ perceptions of exposure; the prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and depression; among other items. Click here to learn more about our surveys.